Balancing Finances And Planning For the Future

March 9, 2020

person holding clear glass glass

There comes the time in every relationship where you need to think about the future. Depending on who you are and what your plans are, the future will look different for everybody. Let’s say, for the sake of argument, that the future is pretty standard. You meet, you get engaged, you move up in your career, you start a family, and you find somewhere to grow old together. This fairytale sounds excellent, but it takes more than a dream to get there. You also need to think about your finances. So how, exactly, do you do that? 

Engagement And Beyond
Most people, whether male or female, look forward to their engagement regardless of what they tell you./ but how does the proposer find and purchase engagement rings with exceptional clarity without letting on that he made such a purchase in the first place? 

If you share a bank account, it’s undoubtedly tricky. You can’t spend $1000, $2000, or $10000 on a ring without them getting suspicious. You could start a ‘secret ‘ account, or borrow from friends and family. 

Chasing Your Dreams
Chasing your dreams and taking the next big step in your career is something that a lot of people consider ‘once they are settled.’ However, you never know what’s going to get in the way, and if your finances are not as you’d like them to be, it could be worth taking that leap a little earlier. 

This could apply to both of you. However, you must also be cautious of what it could do to your relationship. You may have more money between you, but you won’t spend as much time together. All in all, it comes down to whether it is worth it. There’s nothing wrong with being rich, but being rich isn’t half as fun when there’s no one to share it with.

Thinking of the Family
No one should get into starting a family unless they are financially able to support the child, and no matter how expensive you think childcare might be, it is always more than you expect. 

Now, more than ever is the time for you and your partner to begin budgeting. You need to scrimp and save and let go of some luxuries. Otherwise, you risk finding yourselves in a hole before the baby even arrives. 

Finding a Bigger Space
With a family comes the need for a bigger space to live. There’s something oddly romantic about sharing a pokey one-bedroom apartment with a growing family, but it’s not ideal. 

Finding a bigger space means you need to save money for a mortgage and then pay mortgage payments. This could mean moving out of the city and into the suburbs and even having an effect on your career. Hopefully, by this point, you have saved up enough to make the transition more comfortable, but if not, then you need to think more seriously about what you are doing. 

The Best Laid Plans
Balancing finances can be a challenge when you’re single, let alone when you are in a relationship. To ensure that money matters do not get in the way of the good stuff of your relationship, it’s essential always to be honest with one another, and face up to any challenges together. 

*contributed post*

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