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Happy Tuesday friends! Today I am so excited to share that I shared an instagram reel over on IG early this morning all about a beautiful winter ferry ride on Lake Champlain!! You can watch it by clicking HERE!
On Saturday (before the snowstorm hit) we headed over to Burlington to do a bit of shopping and had the most delightful picnic lunch in our car. It was sweet and simple and the beauty of Lake Champlain and the lightly snow dusted mountains was simply stunning.
As the ferry cut through the ice I was reminded again how much beauty surrounds our area. What a beautiful gift that this is and one I do not take for granted. You can see a beautiful glimpse of this area of the world over on IG early by clicking HERE!
Happy Tuesday friends- I hope you enjoy the beauty of our area in our upstate New York world.
Check out my reel on instagram (click HERE)
Happy Monday friends! I hope you had a lovely weekend! We haven’t had a “snowstorm” in a couple of years and this weekend we were hit with one that delivered over 2 feet over 26 hours. This honestly is not overwhelming for our area but enough that it allows you to pause and rest in coziness during this time of year. As I was attempting to shovel out our driveway way in the morning after about a foot of snow had fallen I looked at the woods behind us and decided to go for a walk in the snow.
It was so beautiful and quiet and reminded me of the stillness and blizzards I would read about in the Little House on the Prairie books as a child.
I also got a good laugh when I saw my hair. Y'all I couldn't stop giggling... look at it. Haha!
A happy little adventure hiking through snow was just one gift for the day … as the beauty of our neighbor who used their snowblower to dig out our driveway late last night after my numerous attempts throughout the day were losing against the snow was the kindest gift to end the day.
I hope your weekend was filled with cozy adventures and joy.
Come along to see the beautiful Little House on the Prairie inspired snow adventure on instagram by clicking HERE! Would live to hear your thoughts and comments!
Happy Monday friends! I hope you have a beautiful day!
If San Francisco houses were Valentine's Day...*smiles*
I snapped this picture several years ago in San Francisco and just smiled again at the colors. It popped up in my memories and I had to share it here again today! Happy Valentine's Day y'all... I hope that your day is filled with special moments, surprises, and lots of love.
I first heard of ginger from my acupuncturist about a decade ago. I started using ginger (specifically for nausea during times when I would travel) but didn't know all of the amazing health benefits of consuming ginger until I did additional research back in 2017. Y'all I was so amazed at the health benefits that come with consuming ginger and hope that it will inspire you to add this to your daily life!
I have mentioned this in several posts but I swear by THIS ginger here. It is organic and for less than $13 you can save yourself a whole lot of sickness!
So what are all of the health benefits that ginger has? Check out these 15 amazing benefits:
1. Ginger contains gingerol which is a powerful substance with medicinal properties.
1. Ginger contains gingerol which is a powerful substance with medicinal properties.
Ginger has been known to not only help aid digestion and reduce nausea but also help fight the flu and common cold (as I mentioned in this post HERE!)
2. Ginger helps prevent motion sickness.
2. Ginger helps prevent motion sickness.
As I mentioned above one of the things that I have long used ginger for is to help prevent motion sickness. There was a study done several years ago that showed that ginger was as effective (but without all of the side effects) as Dramamine! [It should be noted that many times it takes a "build up" process with ginger so if you are going to travel I would suggest using ginger for several weeks ahead of time and in addition to the time during your travel.]
3. Ginger helps reduce nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy.
3. Ginger helps reduce nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy.
There have been many studies that have been done that when ginger is added to an anti nausea regime for chemotherapy that nausea and vomiting was reduced!
4. Ginger helps the body absorb essential nutrients.
5. Severe digestive issues or cramps?
4. Ginger helps the body absorb essential nutrients.
5. Severe digestive issues or cramps?
Ginger has been known to help digestive issues and cramps! Ginger has been found to be as effective as ibuprofen in help relieve pain from menstrual cramps in women (see #6!). Another benefit to ginger is that it may help prevent stomach ulcers which can be caused by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
6. Ginger helps reduce pain.
6. Ginger helps reduce pain.
Ginger is anti-inflammatory and recent studies show that ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that may rival non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In a study done in 2013 on women's athletes it was found that those that took 3 grams of ginger each day had a significant decrease in muscle soreness and muscle cramps. In addition to muscles though ginger has also been found to help with migraine headaches.
7. Ginger can help reduce nausea from morning sickness.
7. Ginger can help reduce nausea from morning sickness.
Recent studies have shown that ginger can help reduce pregnancy-related nausea.
8. Ginger can help Osteoarthritis.
9. Ginger may help lower blood sugar and improve heart disease risk factors in patients.
8. Ginger can help Osteoarthritis.
9. Ginger may help lower blood sugar and improve heart disease risk factors in patients.
Although the studies on this are very new (just started in 2015) doctors are now saying that ginger may help diabetes and heart patients. Ginger appears to help with insulin release and insulin action in the body and helps improve lipid metabolism. Another clinical trial done recently shows that those who consumed ginger had a marked difference in many of their levels. It will be exciting to watch in years to come what future studies say about this!
10. Ginger helps improve circulation.
11. Ginger can help inhibit certain bacteria, including Salmonella.
10. Ginger helps improve circulation.
11. Ginger can help inhibit certain bacteria, including Salmonella.
Ginger is a great item to add to your kitchen as it an help prevent sickness due to salmonella!
12. Ginger helps fight Cancer.
12. Ginger helps fight Cancer.
Due to the anti-inflammatory properties that ginger contains it is beneficial for many chronic illnesses including Cancer. A recent British study shows that Ginger can help in the effective management of certain Cancers, including prostate Cancer. Other studies have shown that it helps promote anti-tumor activity that can help treat even the difficult to treat types of Cancer. In addition to this a study that was performed at the University of Minnesota found that ginger can help slow the growth of colon Cancer cells.
13. Ginger helps reduce vertigo.
13. Ginger helps reduce vertigo.
Studies show that regularly consuming ginger or ginger tea can help reduce vertigo.
14. Ginger helps reduce the chance of a stroke and the damage done due to strokes.
14. Ginger helps reduce the chance of a stroke and the damage done due to strokes.
Taking ginger may help reduce the effects that a stroke can have on the body.
15. Ginger helps strengthen the immune system.
15. Ginger helps strengthen the immune system.
Along with other wonderful foods, ginger can help improve the immune system.
While using fresh ginger is a wonderful idea, ginger can also be used dried, powdered, or even as an oil (or tea). Do you use ginger? In what form have you found it helpful? Have you found any benefits to consuming ginger?
While using fresh ginger is a wonderful idea, ginger can also be used dried, powdered, or even as an oil (or tea). Do you use ginger? In what form have you found it helpful? Have you found any benefits to consuming ginger?
{Disclaimer: The information included on this site is for educational purposes only. It is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. The reader should always consult his or her health care provider to determine the appropriateness of the information for their own situation or if they have any questions regarding a medical condition or treatment plan. Reading the information on this website does not create a physician-patient relationship.}
-Isaiah 62:12-
One of the most difficult times for some in the single journey can be during Valentine's, especially the week and day of. On this day of “love” with all of the red, all of the balloons, all of the heart candy, all of the flowers, and all of the expressions of romantic love, it can be easy as a single gal to sometimes just want to curl up in bed and pull a quilt over my head until Valentine's Day has passed.
Valentine's Day as a single lady can feel like a day where singleness is written with a capitol “S” on my forehead and everyone knows that I am “alone”. I struggle and yet, feel challenged to pray as I know the truth that I can act out on my feelings towards this day and live in "loneliness" or I can embrace the truth of God's word, knowing that I am "sought after" and loved.
I am loved by the Lord.
Scripture says that I am loved beyond measure, that I am loved more dearly than I could ever imagine. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) I am not loved for a short time but forever by the Lord. I love how Jeremiah 31:3 states: “I have loved you with an everlasting love…".
Our time and circumstances here on earth are temporary, but the Lord's love lasts forever. We may not feel special on Valentine's Day, but we are to the Lord. “I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you.” (Haggai 2:23)
One of my most favorite verses as a single gal is from Isaiah 62:12: “You will be called Sought After.” Don't we all want to be 'sought after'?!?! I know that I do!!
Valentine's Day as a single lady can feel like a day where singleness is written with a capitol “S” on my forehead and everyone knows that I am “alone”. I struggle and yet, feel challenged to pray as I know the truth that I can act out on my feelings towards this day and live in "loneliness" or I can embrace the truth of God's word, knowing that I am "sought after" and loved.
I am loved by the Lord.
Scripture says that I am loved beyond measure, that I am loved more dearly than I could ever imagine. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) I am not loved for a short time but forever by the Lord. I love how Jeremiah 31:3 states: “I have loved you with an everlasting love…".
Our time and circumstances here on earth are temporary, but the Lord's love lasts forever. We may not feel special on Valentine's Day, but we are to the Lord. “I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you.” (Haggai 2:23)
One of my most favorite verses as a single gal is from Isaiah 62:12: “You will be called Sought After.” Don't we all want to be 'sought after'?!?! I know that I do!!
As we wait in this single season let us trust that the Lord has a beautiful story, and that we are preciously sought after. Even this Valentine's Day where we are single the Lord is crafting a beautiful and miraculous story for our romantic lives. On this Valentine's Day, rest in this precious truth that you are loved, forever, immensely, passionately, and most of all that you are sought after.
Looking for more encouragement for the Single Journey? Click HERE!
If you aren't already... let me encourage you to be praying for your future spouse every single day. Several years ago on the blog I mentioned that I pray for my future husband (and frequently write him notes, cards, and prayers) on a daily basis. I shared 10 Things to Pray for your (future) Husband in a post on the blog which you can find HERE. These posts were followed up over the years with several other posts including:
//10 MORE things to Pray for Myself as a (future) wife //
//10 Things to Pray for Myself as a (future) wife //
// 10 MORE things to Pray for Your Future Husband //
// 10 Things to Pray for Your Future Husband //
//10 Things to Pray for Myself as a (future) wife //
// 10 MORE things to Pray for Your Future Husband //
// 10 Things to Pray for Your Future Husband //
I hope that they are an encouragement to you during your single journey!
1. Delsey Luggage Chatelet- 21 Inch Carry On (Champagne)
I have had many carry-on suitcases over the years but can't recommend this one, by Delsey, enough. I had seen several bloggers that I follow recommend this luggage and was a bit shell-shocked at the price. Over this past year I tried several other cheaper carry-on luggage options and was disappointed with each of them for various reasons. Finally, I found this carry-on on sale on Amazon and purchased it.
Friends, save your money on the cheaper options and purchase this carry-on right now as it is on sale. It is worth every. single. penny. This is a carry-on that I plan to have for years and I have been so impressed with the quality of it, the durability, and the way it cleans up so easily and looks brand new even though it is white. It holds tons of items and you will be amazed at all you are able to pack in it. (Again, I traveled for 10 days and everything I am recommending traveled with me!) If you are interested in the suitcase you can find it on Amazon HERE.
I have had many carry-on suitcases over the years but can't recommend this one, by Delsey, enough. I had seen several bloggers that I follow recommend this luggage and was a bit shell-shocked at the price. Over this past year I tried several other cheaper carry-on luggage options and was disappointed with each of them for various reasons. Finally, I found this carry-on on sale on Amazon and purchased it.
Friends, save your money on the cheaper options and purchase this carry-on right now as it is on sale. It is worth every. single. penny. This is a carry-on that I plan to have for years and I have been so impressed with the quality of it, the durability, and the way it cleans up so easily and looks brand new even though it is white. It holds tons of items and you will be amazed at all you are able to pack in it. (Again, I traveled for 10 days and everything I am recommending traveled with me!) If you are interested in the suitcase you can find it on Amazon HERE.
And guess what?! It is currently $30.00 off the original price! So it is the perfect time to purchase this! Click HERE!
Some additional ideas...
DELSEY Paris Chatelet Soft Weekender Duffel
DELSEY Paris Women's Chatelet Soft Shoulder Bag (Want the look for 1/4th of the price? Check out this bag HERE!)
DELSEY Paris Chatelet Large Spinner Suitcase //28-Inch (on sale for $50 off!!)
2. Camera
I use my phone for pictures but also- especially when I travel for work or personal reasons, love my camera. I have the Canon EOS Rebel T7 and absolutely love it. After having and owning the Canon T5i for many years (which I would definitely recommend if you are looking to purchase a cheaper camera - you can find it HERE!) I purchased the T7 in the summer and quickly fell in love with it! I am always amazed by the quality of the photos it takes for the incredible price!
Some additional ideas...
SD CARD (it's less than $20)
Travel Tripod
Portable Battery Pack

If you have been around here for a little bit of time then you know I talk about this non-stop tell everyone about it! Just the other day I was telling two friends that they needed to get one! It is life-changing! Hahaha!
This felt organizer (I chose the beige color so that it will go with any of my purses!) comes in 11 different colors and is less than $20 on Amazon (you can find it HERE). I love that I can easily switch purses now just by taking this out and changing it from one purse to another. SO simple and easy! For size reference I use a medium! For traveling mine was loaded up with tons of items and it was the easiest trip in the airports because of how organized it kept things in my purse! I honestly plan to do a whole post on this because it is so wonderful! If you are interested in it you can find it HERE!
4. Teeks Sandals (Cocobutter)
I have fallen in love with these sandals this summer and love the simplicity and yet the "put together" look of these leather sandals. They are so incredibly comfortable and you can find them HERE!
Some additional ideas...
THIS pair of TOMS shoes -excellent substitute for those who don't like sandals
Hunter Rain Boots - for those traveling to a cooler climate like Alaska or New England
Merrell Women's Moab 2 Mid Waterproof Hiking Boot - for those who are hiking
I have fallen in love with these sandals this summer and love the simplicity and yet the "put together" look of these leather sandals. They are so incredibly comfortable and you can find them HERE!
Some additional ideas...
THIS pair of TOMS shoes -excellent substitute for those who don't like sandals
Hunter Rain Boots - for those traveling to a cooler climate like Alaska or New England
Merrell Women's Moab 2 Mid Waterproof Hiking Boot - for those who are hiking
5. Over the Door Shoe Hanger
On my very first cruise I didn't bring one and rectified that immediately for all future cruises! These are a great way to have dozens of small size compartments for a variety of different things and will help add extra storage to the small staterooms.
I use THIS ONE from Amazon and it has worked perfectly for all different cruises (including a European River Cruise (but if you want a different option see below**) and stateroom sizes that I have traveled in! For less than $11 it is a steal! You can find it HERE!
Some additional ideas...
If you are going on cruise that has sliding doors only- THIS closet shoe hanger (less than $15!) is a perfect solution! You can find it HERE!**
I use THIS ONE from Amazon and it has worked perfectly for all different cruises (including a European River Cruise (but if you want a different option see below**) and stateroom sizes that I have traveled in! For less than $11 it is a steal! You can find it HERE!
Some additional ideas...
If you are going on cruise that has sliding doors only- THIS closet shoe hanger (less than $15!) is a perfect solution! You can find it HERE!**
6. Ear Plugs
One of the whole goals of a cruise is to rest and relax and this includes quiet! I love THESE ear plugs and can't recommend them enough!
7. Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask
One of the whole goals of a cruise is to rest and relax and this includes quiet! I love THESE ear plugs and can't recommend them enough!
7. Alaska Bear Natural Silk Sleep Mask
I am a huge believer in eye masks and specifically this one! It is on sale and is current less than $10!! You can find it HERE!
8. Laundry Bags
Throw in a couple of small (or large) laundry bags to make it easy to put in your dirty clothes at the end of the cruise. When you get home everything is already in the bag and can easily be cleaned. Another idea is to take three different laundry bags- one for whites, one for dark colors, and one for clothes that need to be dry cleaned. That way when you arrives home all she has to do is drop things off at the dry cleaners and through loads of laundry in the wash!
I personally love THIS set of laundry bags from Amazon. For less than $9 you receive 6 different bags and can separate things in a variety of ways making laundry incredibly easy when you return home from your vacation. Find them HERE!
I personally love THIS set of laundry bags from Amazon. For less than $9 you receive 6 different bags and can separate things in a variety of ways making laundry incredibly easy when you return home from your vacation. Find them HERE!
For the coffee and tea lovers out there this be a perfect and cute gift! First, many times room service is not offered on disembarkation days when people are hoping for coffee most. Second, this is an easy way to fill your mug up with coffee and take it anywhere on the ship without spilling things, especially in stormy weather. This is an extra great gift idea right now as many cruise ships started charging for room service starting in 2019!
I love THIS ONE by Yeti in the seafoom green color (but there are tons of other colors to choose from!). You can find it HERE.
10. Passport Holder/ Travel Wallet
Traveling outside the United States? You will need to have your passport with you and I would definitely recommend carrying it with you at all times while you are on excursions. I love this one!
some additional ideas...
THIS ONE (under $10!)
THIS ONE (lots of fun color options!)
I hope that these give you some fun and creative Valentines Day gift ideas for the cruise lover in your life! Happy Tuesday friends!
I love THIS ONE by Yeti in the seafoom green color (but there are tons of other colors to choose from!). You can find it HERE.
10. Passport Holder/ Travel Wallet
Traveling outside the United States? You will need to have your passport with you and I would definitely recommend carrying it with you at all times while you are on excursions. I love this one!
some additional ideas...
THIS ONE (under $10!)
THIS ONE (lots of fun color options!)
I hope that these give you some fun and creative Valentines Day gift ideas for the cruise lover in your life! Happy Tuesday friends!
When I went on my first river cruise with Viking back in 2017, I was a complete newbie. While I had done a lot of ocean cruising, I knew nothing about river cruising and searched to find the best packing lists so that I wouldn't forget anything. As we prepare to head back on another river cruise in just a couple of months (absolutely so excited!), I am so excited to start thinking about the items I need to bring again!
If you are heading on a river cruise and worried about forgetting something- don't worry! This list below will help remind you of 5 things not to forget in your planning!
1. Local Currency
1. Local Currency
One of the most important things that you can do to prepare and bring on your trip is some of the local currency where you will be going. You can do this ahead of time at your bank or at a local vendor which will result in less fees than if you use a money exchange booth in an airport. While some people would prefer to use their credit cards - which is great, you will still need to have money for tips or for small shops that don't take credit cards so make sure to prepare for this ahead of time. (Also if you are going on a river cruise around the holiday season and plan to visit the European markets, like in Colmar, you will need to have local currency for this!)
Looking for a cute wallet to travel with to hold all of your different cards and some local currency? THIS ONE and I love because it contains a space for your passport also!
2. Passport Holder/Wallet
You will need to have your passport with you and I would definitely recommend carrying it with you at all times while you are on excursions. I use my wallet which is an older beautiful green Travel & Passport Wallet that is no longer available, but is very similar to THIS ONE (I mentioned above) and I love it!
2. Passport Holder/Wallet
You will need to have your passport with you and I would definitely recommend carrying it with you at all times while you are on excursions. I use my wallet which is an older beautiful green Travel & Passport Wallet that is no longer available, but is very similar to THIS ONE (I mentioned above) and I love it!
If you are looking just for a Passport Holder and don't want the entire wallet- there are so many different adorable passport holders that are available today! A favorite I found (for less than $10!) is THIS ONE (which has more than 21,000 amazing reviews and comes in TONS of different colors!!) The best thing is that many of the colors are currently are on sale!
3. OTC Medications
While it is true that you can purchase all different over the counter medication when you are off the ship- it can be more pricey and also be difficult to find depending on where you are traveling. Sometimes on river cruises there is not a doctor but there is a basic first aid kit available. You will want to think ahead and bring some of your own items.
Prone to seasickness when you travel? Definitely check out my post 4 Ways to Prevent Motion Sickness when Traveling by clicking HERE!
Even though river cruising is an excellent choice for those who are prone to seasickness, there were still some people who said the movement on our cruise was difficult to them. A lot of people use Dramamine (or the patch) for motion sickness on a cruise which is a wonderful option, but ginger can be a great natural resource to help with nausea. You can read more about ginger and its health benefits by clicking HERE. I have mentioned this in several posts but I swear by THIS ginger here. It is organic and for less than $13 you can save yourself a whole lot of sickness!
4. Comfortable Shoes/Sandals
I shared this in my post, 13 Must Pack Items for Your Caribbean Cruise, but it is a definite thing to remember. Pack comfortable shoes and sandals!! You definitely want to look cute and have fun, but you don't want your cruise ruined by blisters either so take the time to pick out cute and comfy shoes. On a river cruise you do TONS of walking and you will want to make sure your shoes are comfortable!
5. A Watch
I was surprised to hear this suggestion from those who had done a lot of river cruising but honestly, have now seen the value in having a watch. One of the best parts of a cruise is having the chance to take a break from the "real world" and simply enjoy the moment. But if you are wanting to make sure that you are ready to meet for excursions, meal times, etc. and want to put away the phone, you will want to know the time. I LOVE my fitbit versa and totally recommend it! You can find it HERE!
What about y'all? Any items that you wish that you had brought on your first European river cruise that you would recommend to a first-time cruiser?
Check out more cruise tips by clicking on the links below:
Check out more cruise tips by clicking on the links below:
Curious to find out more about our upcoming trip with Viking or the one that we took with Viking Cruises in 2017? Click on the posts below:
Viking River Cruise (2025): // A Beautiful Upcoming Blog Collaboration //
Viking River Cruise (2017-2018): // Viking River Cruises: Answers to Your Most FAQ's //
// Viking Eir Ship Review // Viking Eir Stateroom 203 Review // Viking Eir Food and Dining Review //
// A Brief History of Old Town Colmar // Saint Martin's Collegiate Church (Place de la Cathedrale)//
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