Happy Wednesday friends! As I shared several months, I am excited to re-share some of the most popular devotional posts that I wrote in 2017-2018 (if you would like to see the complete list you can find it HERE!) and am excited to share this one this week! I hope that this continues to be a beautiful blessing even several years later!
*This particular post is from September of 2017. It is such a beautiful thing to look back and see how far that I have come in my health and the all of the healing that has taken place!*
Back in June I shared that one of my favorite moments in the 1st episode of Season 2, is when Molly Sullivan states, "We've been through hard times before and we will weather them again". I shared, using this quote about the beautiful hope that is found in history. Over the course of the last several months I have continued to be gently reminded of this, but in a deep and profound way I have been learning about the Promise in Remembering History.
This summer has been one of the most fun filled summers with delightful adventures and living life fully in ways I never thought would be possible again since getting sick. It has been wonderful. It has been freeing. It has been life-giving... and yet there have been difficult moments behind the scenes and deep physical pain and sickness. This summer, perhaps more than any other feels like a juxtaposition of living freely while still fighting for my health. In these days of good and bad... I have needed the reminder and promise in remembering history.
The remembering of the way that God has worked in the past and will work again.
The reminder that despite pain and heartache nothing is by chance or at a whim.
The reminder that grace and mercy will still be new each morning to meet the new needs that I have.
The reminder that just like the bad times in the past have been met with beautiful grace these new difficulties will also be met.
The reminder that we are not alone.
A couple of weeks ago I shared in a recent personal health update that I decided to go back through and read all of the posts on this blog of my personal health updates. They went back four years and it took me a couple of hours to read through all of them because I was overwhelmed at the way that I saw that God had worked in the past. I wept as I read details and situations that I had pushed from my mind. I was humbled to re-read things that had been taken care of that seemed insurmountable to me at the time, but now was a simple blip in my story. It gently reminded me in this new season of some difficult and painful days that God will work again.
Sweet friends, if you are struggling today at the pain and circumstances of your story...I am so so sorry. I wish that I could sit across from you and we could chat over tea and that I could give you a big hug. Life in all of its beauty is sometimes so hard and painful and my heart hurts for those of you that are in the midst of a difficult season. My hope and prayer is that today you will take a few moments to be encouraged, as you consider the promise in remembering history... the hope and the faithful love of the Lord that is found there.
"But then I recall all you have done, O Lord; I remember your wonderful deeds of long ago."
-Psalm 77:11-

*original post written in August 2017 prior to Lori Loughlin's departure from the show*
-Psalm 77:11-

*original post written in August 2017 prior to Lori Loughlin's departure from the show*
Looking for past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing of all of the devotionals!
I have received several emails asking me about the books by Janette Oke that the series is based on. You may remember that I mentioned in my very first From Hope Valley Devotional post that I had read Janette Oke's series back when I was a teenager. The original book series, "The Canadian West Series" was based on Elizabeth's aunt and her adventures (she also married a Mountie). Here are the listing of the books from that series (there are six) in order:
In the last several years Janette Oke released a new series entitled, "Return to the Canadian West" which you can find listed below in order:
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-3 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
1 comment
Such a great quote! It is such a good reminder that God is always with us.