Ways to Deal with Appetite Loss as You Get Older

June 22, 2020

It is not uncommon for older adults to experience a decline in their appetite. However, the fact that it’s normal does not mean you should ignore it. Older people need to be well-nourished, it will keep them healthy and strong enough to recover from any medical condition they encounter. There are several reasons why people experience a loss of appetite, but here are simple ways to deal with it. 

1. Seek Professional Help
When you notice a loss in appetite, the first thing you should do is to talk to a doctor about it. They should further conduct a check-up to ensure that the cause of the loss in appetite is not as a result of a serious underlying health condition ora side effect of some medication. A check-up will help guide your doctors on what prescriptions work best for you. 

Common illnesses that can influence a person’s appetite include mouth and throat infections, cancer and Alzheimer. In some severe cases, like when a person is suffering from wasting syndrome, doctors can consider the recommendation of cannabis – you can click here for more information.

2. Trick the Brain with Small Meals
The thought of eating a plateful of food at once can leave you feeling groggy, but you can stop yourself from feeling overwhelmed by eating in small portions. For instance, you can divide your meals into six portions and eat them at different periods all through the day. 
Another way you can trick your brain into eating more is by using a big plate to serve your food. Studies show that an increase in plate size makes your food look small which will thereby trick you into eating more.

3. Drink Your Meals
If you do not like eating, drinking your meals can be one way to stay nourished. You can do this by replacing meals with fruit smoothies, green smoothies, or nutritious drinks that are high in calories. When making your smoothies, try incorporating good sources of protein like yogurt, protein powder, and whole milk for additional nutrients.

4. Incorporate Herbs and Spices
One of the problems people who are aging encounter is the inability to taste foods and this can influence the desire to eat. Herbs and spices will help bring out the flavor in your meals however, you should consult your doctor first to know what spices you should avoid based on your health status. Another additional benefit of incorporating seasonings like carminative herbs and spices are, they can help reduce bloating. Examples of these carminative herbs are ginger, cinnamon, and peppermint.

5. Consider Food Supplements
Food supplements can also act as appetite stimulants. Certain foods that contain vitamins and minerals like Vitamin B1, Zinc, Echinacea, and Fish oil can help boost the immune system, fight diseases, and improve appetite as a deficiency in these nutrients could be the cause of your appetite loss. Also, naturopathy advocates claim that bitter herbs can have a positive influence on a person’s desire to eat and aid indigestion. Examples of these bitter herbs include wormwood and gentian. However, you should see a naturopathic specialist before going down this route.

*contributed post*

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