Mental Health And Physical Health Are Closely Linked

August 4, 2021

 In recent years there has been a growing understanding of the connection between body and mind, between our inner feeling, and the physical condition. This close connection is not just a cause-and-effect connection. Understanding this connection is important not only for the professionals, but also and especially for the patients themselves. And their family members. For this reason it is important to be familiar with the research on this topic. And with the emotional risks that exist in various diseases and especially the possible treatments. Turning to a psychiatrist, who knows the field, is important in order to ensure both the patient's physical and mental recovery. Any type of physical illness can affect the mental state. For example you have just been diagnosed with something such as MS or had a stroke. You need to know how you’re going to get back to normal. You also may be concerned about your prognosis. For example you may have just been given a malignant mesothelioma prognosis or a prognosis for your heart disease. You must have support. 

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What emotional difficulties might arise?

Dealing with mental difficulties following a physical illness can occur in two cases. The first is when the mental difficulty, such as depression and/or anxiety, appears as part of the illness itself.  For example, it is known that a disorder of thyroid function is also expressed in depression in case of underactivity. It can cause anxiety in case of overactivity. Such conditions can be balanced and treated, and it is important to be aware of their occurrence. The second case, which is a more significant part of the professional diagnosis, is the onset of depression or anxiety. This is in conjunction with the disease. Whether in response to receiving a diagnosis or as part of the ongoing coping with a patient's condition. 

This condition is very familiar in the case of MS or cancer. For example, but the truth is that studies show that there is not necessarily a connection between the severity of the medical condition and the intensity of the emotional difficulty that follows.  The very discovery of a disease is a powerful trigger for the onset of significant mental difficulties. Often even before dealing with the physical consequences of the disease. Common reactions include symptoms such as sadness, or closure from the world. It may manifest in a decreased mood or the appearance of fears, anxieties and intensification of physical symptoms such as pain. In addition, illnesses that involve daily coping with pain, with the need for treatments, with repeated hospitalizations, or multiple visits to clinics and appointments with doctors tend to turn human life around. Among the most difficult struggles are dealing with the impairment of function, the decrease in physical ability and sometimes also with the dependence created on another person. This is why it is perfectly normal to feel all these emotions and you must never feel alone. Ask your GP for help, look at support groups online and try meditation. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

*contributed post*

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