Where Will I Live In The Future?

May 24, 2021

 Do you sometimes wonder what the future will bring to you and your family? Every decision you made yesterday or you make today could change tomorrow in the light of new events. It’s, unfortunately, the way of life. But, while you can’t know what the future will be like, you can still plan according to the most likely eventuality. Ultimately, everyone has unique needs and expectations. It is fair to say that your plan for the future will need to take these into account. As a result, there are no two plans that are the same. 

For homeowners, planning for the future is one of the most challenging parts of homeownership. Buying a house is a huge commitment. So, of course, you want it to last. It’s the most logical approach. However, the house you live in today may not be the same house in 5, 10, or 30 years. Here are some of the critical questions you want to ask yourself when you consider settling down somewhere. Will you find the answers for tomorrow in today’s questions? Probably not. But asking the right questions forces you to rethink your perspective as a homeowner. Is today’s home going to last? Perhaps not, and here’s why it’s okay: 

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Will my home be sufficient when I’m old?

This is my dream home, and everything in it is perfect. 

Granted, at the time you purchase your home, you might love the quirky open back staircase to the bedroom and the long and narrow kitchen overlooking the garden. But as you grow older, the things you love about your home could become health hazards. Stairs are best to be avoided. Some seniors can struggle with balance and strength in old age, finding it hard to use stairs safely. If there’s no possibility to add a stairlift to your property, it may not be the best option for your silver years. Similarly, narrow spaces may not be accessibility-friendly, especially if you need a mobility assistant. When the home isn’t safe anymore, it’s not uncommon for seniors to look into retirement community options. As those are specifically designed with seniors in mind, so they offer enhanced safety and mobility layouts. 

Will I ever be happy in one place?

Do you have itchy feet? Not everyone is happy to settle down in one place. If you’ve got an adventurous soul, you may find that you are in your element on the road. The world is a big place, and there’s so much of it to explore. Why stay at home when you could see it all? If this resonates with you, you are probably the kind of person who would be happy to visit new countries in a campervan. A campervan lifestyle can be a fantastic opportunity for nomadic workers who can carry on with their professional activities from anywhere. Once borders reopen, you can plan your next road trip around the globe. In the meantime, what happens to your home? Savvy homeowners have turned to rental services such as Airbnb to promote their properties for long-stay guests. It can be a profitable alternative in the long term, allowing your home to pay for your travels while securing a safe place to stay when you are not traveling. 

Will the family grow?

Many first-time homeowners are happy to find their dream home… only to discover after a few years’ time that they’ve already outgrown the property. A growing family can completely change your expectations of real estate. A two-bedroom house is perfect for a couple with a child. But when the family suddenly welcomes a new member, you need to get in touch with realtors to find your next home. Finding the next property for your family can mean making new sacrifices to meet your budget. The location may not be suitable anymore if you need to up size. Alternatively, you may have to make some harsh decisions. Can you afford an extra bedroom and a garden for the kids? If you can’t, how far do you need to move to find your dream home? 

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Will my neighborhood remain the same?

We all appreciate that there are some neighbors from hell everywhere. But most homeowners are looking for a friendly neighborhood where they can trust other homeowners. But your local community could completely change in the future. New infrastructure works in town could force people away from your neighborhood, and bring new neighbors. Additionally, as some families move out and others disappear, the neighborhood you’ve grown to love could change almost overnight. Even if your local community remains friendly and enjoyable, it can be tricky to get used to a constantly evolving neighborhood, especially if you’ve made friends with families that don’t live there anymore. 

Will I always work in the same city?

The pandemic has transformed our approach to the workplace. Some people have chosen to work full-time from home, for instance. It’s hard to tell whether the digital transformation will remain in the long term. Many companies have hired new talent on a remote basis during the pandemic. But they are now considering bringing their team back into the office. If you’ve been working remotely, perhaps this means relocating to live closer to your workplace. 

Even if the pandemic hasn’t changed your work routine, you might find yourself seeking new opportunities in different companies. 

What about climate change and pollution?

We can’t afford to ignore the impact of pollution on our environment. Urban pollution has reached dramatic records, despite shrinking during the first peak of the pandemic. However, it is slowly coming back as more cars are commuting. Pollution is a silent killer, claiming millions of premature deaths every year. For families, pollution also increases the risk of respiratory diseases, stress, allergies, and overall headache complaints. The perfect suburban home you found may not be as welcoming and enjoyable anymore. While we are at a turning point in our fight against climate change and pollution, it is unlikely positive actions will show immediate results. In other words, is your urban landscape still safe for your family? 

In conclusion, there could be many reasons that encourage you to move out, relocate, or simply change your home. However, as a homeowner,  you know yourself, and you have a better grasp of the most likely situation that could drive you away from home. Acknowledging these eventualities early puts you in a better position to plan your future! 

*contributed post*

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