5 Signs You Need Addiction Treatment

May 6, 2021

 Drug and substance addiction is an epidemic affecting many individuals worldwide. For example, studies show alcoholism impacts approximately 15 million people in the U.S. Further, alcohol causes at least 88,000 deaths annually. Addiction can affect your life in many ways, and you may want to overcome this problem before things escalate. If you’re wondering when you should consult a professional, like outpatient rehab programs here are the top signs: C:\Users\COMP-1\Downloads\stop-2785450_640.jpg

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You Experience Withdrawal Symptoms When You Don’t Take Drugs

Many drugs and substances like cocaine, alcohol, and heroin can be addictive. They contain chemicals that may alter your body and brain’s functioning after long-term use. This means you can experience uncomfortable feelings if you quit drugs without the necessary assistance.

Withdrawal symptoms can be mild or harsh depending on the situation of your addiction. Unfortunately, the feelings can be unpleasant and many patients result in continued drug use to self-mediate. This doesn’t help but only leads to more addiction problems. 

The best way to overcome this is by seeking professional addiction treatment at a reputable rehab center. For example, if you’re into benzo abuse, you can consult a rehab center addiction expert for suggestions as a personalized treatment program that can work according to your needs. Some common withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • Depression

  • Anxiety and stress

  • Insomnia

  • Increased heart rate

  • Tremors

  • Nausea and more


You Lie About Your Drug and Substance Use

Do you hide your drug and substance use from your family members and close friends? This could be a sign of addiction. You may also make excuses about your drug abuse. If you’re hiding how you consume certain drugs and substances, you could be slipping into dependency. 


The earlier you seek professional addiction treatment, the higher the chances of overcoming the dangerous habit. Research shows accepting your drug abuse situation and accepting responsibility for your actions can make you feel better. 


That’s why you need to be honest as you find a reliable solution. If your friends and family members understand your addiction problem, they can support you throughout your recovery journey. 

Having a Mental Disorder

Various reasons may lead to substance abuse. Various studies reveal a mental disorder can contribute to substance abuse as users try to self-mediate. If you abuse drugs to cope with a mental health problem, chances are your situation may become worse, and you’re likely to suffer depression and anxiety. 


A patient with a co-occurring disorder needs intensive treatment and care. That’s because of the need to tackle underlying problems before addressing the drug and substance abuse disorder. Failure to handle both issues can enhance your likelihood of relapsing.


 A specialized addiction expert can evaluate your situation and recommend dual diagnosis treatment which focuses on holistic healing. It can ensure long-term sobriety.  

Trying to Quit Drug and Substance Use without Success 

Addiction is a disease, and recovery can be challenging. Many people try to stop this habit, but after a few days or weeks, they relapse. The recovery journey requires specialized treatment and continued support. 


A skilled rehab center can provide various treatment methods to help a patient recover. Many of them offer individualized treatment because they understand everyone’s needs are unique. Here are treatment programs you may expect at a rehab center:


  • Alcoholism treatment

  • Inpatient rehab

  • Intensive outpatient

  • Dual diagnosis

  • Medical detox

  • Outpatient rehab

  • Aftercare program

  • Partial hospitalization


If you tried quitting drug and substance abuse and relapse after a few days, you might want to consult an addiction treatment professional. Rehab centers have the necessary facilities and provide a stable environment, therapy, medical attention, and safety that you may need for a successful recovery. They can also offer continued support after the treatment to ensure you do not relapse.  

You Have Health Issues 

Abusing drugs and substances can harm your body in several ways. For example, long-term and excessive alcohol consumption can damage your liver, brain, and heart. Opiate overdose can impact your breathing, leading to severe brain damage. Misusing some stimulants can lead to psychosis and cardiovascular issues. Some individuals share syringes to inject, and risk contracting diseases. 


If you start noticing physical health issues due to drug abuse, it could be a sign you need professional assistance. Other health problems drug abuse can cause may include: 


  • Long-term cognitive issues

  • Coordination loss

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Memory loss and impaired concentration

  • Dementia

  • Sexual dysfunction

  • Muscle stiffness


The Bottom Line

No one decides to get into addiction, but it’s a chronic disease affecting millions of individuals globally. If you have one or more of the signs outlined above, do not wait any longer. Visit a rehab center today and the treatment you need. 

*contributed post*

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