4th quarter begins

March 23, 2021


Yesterday began the fourth quarter of the school year. I am beyond amazed at how this is has already arrived. In many ways the year has been difficult for so many obvious reasons (with the loss of my precious Ba, the loss of of all of the items from pre-sickness days, and so many more personal moments behind the scenes) and yet it has been a precious year in so many ways. 

So, hello 4th quarter of this school year... please go slowly because I am confident that this is going to be the most precious quarter ever with some amazing days ahead.

prayer of my heart this morning for this 4th quarter...

strength and dignity are her clothing and she laughs with joy over the days to come, her teachings are filled with wisdom and kindness as loving support, instruction, and advice pours from her lips. //Proverbs 31//

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