How To Manage Your Stress At Work

May 14, 2022

We are all susceptible to the debilitating effects of chronic work-related stress. A flurry of emails, Slack messages, phone calls, and a coworker popping in for an unexpected meeting is enough to cause anybody to get anxious and stressed. 

When a deadline or complex project is approaching, it's natural to feel stressed. Work-related stress that becomes chronic, on the other hand, can have a negative impact on your physical and mental health as well. However, there are steps that you may take to reduce the amount of stress that you experience at work. Read on to find out more. 

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Write Down Your Stressors 

Identifying and documenting stressful events can assist you in understanding what is upsetting you. Some of these might be subtle causes of stress, such as an unpleasant workplace or a lengthy commute.

For one week, keep a notebook to monitor your stress triggers and responses to them. Include the people, places, and events that elicited a physical, mental, or emotional reaction from you. Once you know what the issues are, it will be easier to avoid them or tackle them and not allow them to control you anymore.  

Re-Evaluate Negative Thoughts

When you've been dealing with anxiety and chronic stress for a long time, your mind may be prone to jumping to conclusions and seeing every scenario through a negative lens. For example, if your employer doesn't greet you first thing in the morning, you could assume they're upset with you.

Instead of making fast decisions, try distancing yourself from your negative ideas and just observing them. When you step back, you may see that the things going on around you have nothing to do with you and should not be a source of concern or tension. If they are something you can cope with since they are personal to you, being apart from them will allow you to think of a solution.

Rely On A Strong Support Network 

Keep in touch with friends and family you can count on to help you deal with stressful situations at work. When things are hard, having people you can count on can help ease some of the stress. 

If you're having a particularly hard week at work, ask parent friends if they can help by taking your kids to school with them on certain days, giving you more time to get to work or to start earlier and spread your workload, for example. If you're so stressed that you've started to self-medicate, ask for help with prescription drug abuse rehab options; your support network will be glad to help you. 

Learn Relaxation Techniques

Slowing down on purpose and being aware of your surroundings can help you stay calm. Meditation, deep breathing exercises, and being aware of the present moment all help to calm anxiety. 

Start by taking a moment each day to concentrate on being present and appreciating a simple activity. This could be a short stroll through the park or enjoying a meal outside. It could be anything, just take the time to enjoy it, and you should feel a lot calmer as a result. 

*contributed post*

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