Changing Up Your Look When Travelling

November 16, 2020

Travelling is one of the great gifts of life. Seeing new places, experiencing new lives… Despite the frequent change of scenery, it is - ironically - sometimes easy to get stuck in certain ways. Maybe it is because of the constant changes around you that holding onto certain aspects of life can become a habit. 

One of these things that can sometimes stay static is your look - whether this is hair, style or makeup. This is often an adaptable thing, but while travelling, it's something that benefits from being steady. 

But style is meant to be changing as you change! It is an outward projection of your inner self. So why not try to update your look, while bearing in mind practicality for travel. 

  1. Hair

Sometimes a simple haircut can change your whole appearance. If you have long hair, why not consider chopping it short? A short haircut can be useful for travel, especially to hot places. It will be a literal weight off your shoulders!

Image credit. 

Short hair is also useful for travel because it is so much easier to manage. Less time in the shower, quicker to dry. Think of all the spare time you will have to explore the place you are visiting. 

  1. Style

Clothing is quite key to travel. You need to be practical, but sometimes this can lead to bland outfits. There is a growing market for clothing that is both stylish and practical, whether this is sportswear for long days of exploring, or coats to keep you warm in colder climates. 

Style is a really easy way to show off your character. It can also be used to show your love of travel. Why not pick up some clothing from your travels? You can feel at one with a city when you dress as is conventional in that place. 

Image credit. 

Plus, when people ask you: 'Where'd you get that great dress?', you can launch into a great story of your travels around the place you bought it. 

  1. Face

Changing up your face can be a short or long term change. A change to your makeup routine can be done in under half an hour, while cosmetic & restorative dentistry might take a bit longer. 

Either way, changing up your approach to your face can present a whole new side of you to the world. Plus, with all the travelling you're doing, you're likely to look a bit different. 

A summer in Australia? Probably a bit more tan than usual. Winter in the arctic? Wow, you're looking pale! Much like style, often your body becomes a storyteller of all the places you've been. Why not enhance all the lovely experiences you've had by adopting a new look to reflect who you are now?

Changing up your look as a frequent traveller can lead to a fresh perspective. It's just a small thing, but it can make a big difference. Why not give it a go? As a traveller, you're likely to be excited by new adventures. 

*contributed post*

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