WEGO Health Activist Speakers Bureau

September 22, 2014

As I mentioned at the beginning of this year, I never started off in this journey to become a health activist. In fact, as private as I am I probably never would have started blogging had I known that shortly after I did I would have been diagnosed with two major diseases in the span of 5 months. BUT here is where the Lord has me and I do hope to use this blog to share about some of the issues (Lyme Disease especially) that I am passionate about in hopes that it will help and encourage others. As the founder of SEEN Gathering my heart is with encouraging the hearts of people who are struggling with chronic illness. Along that note I am honored to have applied for the WEGO Health Activist Speakers Bureau and hope to share my story with others to encourage them. (Thank goodness for internet access for those of us who are struggling to get out of bed on difficult days! *smiles*) I mention this because I know some of you that read this blog are dealing with health issues and might be interested in learning more about it as well – it’s a great way for Health Activists to share our stories, raise awareness and get the word out about the work we’re doing. Your story DOES matter and what you have to say can change the world for someone. Members of the WEGO Health Activist Speakers Bureau receive exclusive invitations to present at conferences, speak to members of the media, and be featured on WEGO Health. Interested in joining the WEGO Health Activist Speakers Bureau? Apply today! It only takes a few minutes and they’ll email you as soon as they have opportunities relevant to you and your interests.

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