looking for natural ways to give your wellbeing a boost?

April 12, 2022

 We have all been feeling a little bewildered recently.  For many of us, the Coronavirus outbreak has changed so many aspects of our life, from our health to the way that we work and socialise, and it is not uncommon for sentiments of despair, worry anxiety, or grief to arise and leave us feeling less than perfect.

The good news is that there is always something that we can do, and there are always natural ways to give ourselves a bit of a boost.   Even if you resort to more pharmacological techniques to manage your mental health - and that is something you should be doing if required - you can still discover ways to interact with nature and feel considerably better after doing so. Let's have a look at some of the things that you can give a whirl

Caravan Sonnet

Image via Unsplash

Look at natural treatments

Some herbal products are suggested to aid with lowering stress or boosting your wellbeing in many ways.  Of course, you need to check with your doctor or healthcare expert to make sure that they are safe with any prescription you are taking, but they are worth looking into and trying. Make sure you do your research and find out the best way to consume the products, for example,  when to take shilajit.

Get your green fingers on

Gardening is a terrific way to get some fresh air, interact with nature, and indulge in some light physical activity, so it should come as no surprise that it is good for a mental health boost. Not only that, but interacting with soil is known to have immunity-boosting effects, so it is a winner all-round.

Do something creative

Being creative helps us to reach a calm state in which all of our bad ideas and posturings melt away and we are simply living in the present now. That, paired with the pleasant impacts of nature, natural art may be a rather substantial boost to our general well-being. The crucial element is to not be worried about being brilliant at it; simply do it and enjoy it.

Get out and about

There is a multitude of evidence that demonstrates the tremendous correlation between mental health and time spent in the natural environment. People who spend time in green settings can boost their mood, lessen their stress levels, and facilitate an overall sense of well-being.

It does not matter what sort of green spaces you visit; if you spend time there, you will almost certainly feel better.

If you can’t get out, bring the outside in! Surround yourself with plenty of green plants and flowers in pots and vases around your interior surroundings.

Spend time with the wildlife

Lots of research have proven that being among animals has a soothing impact on the human brain. It can also aid to lower stress and blood pressure, as well as enhance immunity. Spending some time feeding the animals and birds, or even observing them from the convenience of your own window, may be highly good for your mental health. Simply put out some food to lure them to come to you and observe.


Journalling and other types of creative writing may be a terrific method to discharge bad feelings and thoughts. Of course, you can do this anywhere and on any topic, but why not take your notepad and pen and go and sit somewhere outdoors? The natural environment is a wonderful source of inspiration for poets and writers of all kinds. Simply explain what you can see, hear, smell, and feel, even if you do not consider yourself to be a brilliant writer.


Spending time in nature is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your mental health, and meditation is another. Why not combine the two for maximum benefit? A Japanese technique known as forest bathing involves going to the nearest beautiful area, preferably in a forest, although other sorts of nature can also be effective, and simply meditating on your surroundings. Immerse yourself in the present now and pay attention to everything you can see, hear, smell, and feel.

Meet up with folks outside

Walking in the park or in the countryside with your friends is a wonderful way to not only benefit from nature's numerous therapeutic properties but also to keep connected with other people. Social connections are critical for maintaining good mental health, and everything you can do to avoid loneliness will help to ensure that your mental health remains stable in the long run. Spending that time outside, on the other hand, will assist in ensuring success.

*contributed post*

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