7 Mental Health Disorders and How To Deal With Them

September 25, 2021

 It is essential to understand that mental health disorders are not something to be ashamed of. Instead, when you have a mental disorder, your brain isn't working the way it should, which can cause problems in daily life. Mental Health Awareness Month is coming up soon, so we wanted to share some information with you on seven different mental health disorders and how they might affect someone's day-to-day life.

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay 

1 Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in North America. People who have an anxiety disorder can experience persistent, irrational fear and dread that disrupts daily life and gets in the way of accomplishing goals. There are different types of anxiety disorders, but they all revolve around excessive worry about everyday situations. Some people might think that someone with a mental health issue is dangerous or violent, which isn't true! The truth is it takes a lot more energy to hold onto feelings like rage, shame, or disgust than it does to deal with them directly - even if you're not sure what will happen when you let go of those negative feelings! So it's essential not only for your own sake but also so people don't get hurt by anger, fear, or shame.

How to deal with Anxiety Disorders?

There are many different ways to deal with anxiety disorders. First, it is crucial to understand what you're feeling and why. Next, make sure you talk about your feelings with someone who will listen without judgment or blame - even if this person isn't a professional therapist! You can also try deep breathing exercises or meditation and practice positive self-talk when times get tough. Lastly, there are many free resources out there like ketamine treatment which is hugely effective, so don't be afraid to use them!

2 Schizophrenia

Symptoms of Schizophrenia include hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized or catatonic behavior. Schizophrenia is a severe disorder that usually requires long-term treatment (such as medication) to manage symptoms. It can make it very difficult for people to carry out daily tasks like schoolwork, work, or personal hygiene. People with schizophrenia often have trouble staying in touch with reality; they may see or hear things that don't exist or believe that others are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, plotting against them, etc. These beliefs are known as "delusions." People with schizophrenia also tend to have "disorganized thinking," which means they have difficulty concentrating on anything because so many other thoughts are competing for attention simultaneously!

How to deal with Schizophrenia?

The best way to deal with schizophrenia is through medication, therapy, and support groups. It's essential not only for the health of the person suffering but also so other people don't get hurt by their delusions or disorganized thinking! We've linked some resources below if you want to learn more about dealing with schizophrenia. It can be hard having a mental illness sometimes because it doesn't always make sense - why do I feel this way? What does my brain think is going on right now? Why am I scared when there's nothing dangerous here? Sometimes we have no idea why our brains behave in unusual ways, making us even more frustrated. This frustration can lead to anger, sadness, or any number of emotions that further complicate your day-to-day life!

3 Depression

Depression is a mental illness that involves persistent negative thoughts and feelings. People with depression may be unable to do daily tasks like work or school, feel hopeless about the future, have trouble sleeping, and lose interest in activities they used to enjoy doing! The good news is there are many different types of therapy for depression, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) which has been scientifically proven to help people overcome their symptoms. You can also try mindfulness meditation exercises or take some time out from your busy life by going on walks in nature or having coffee with an old friend - whatever works for you!

How to deal with Depression?

The best way to deal with depression is by talking about it openly and honestly, finding support from loved ones (friends, family), or even trying out different therapies like CBT! It's essential not only for the health of the person suffering but also so other people don't get hurt by their symptoms. We've linked some resources below if you want to learn more about dealing with depression.

Image by Wokandapix from Pixabay 

4 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental illness that develops after someone experiences or witnesses an event that caused them significant physical, emotional or psychological distress. Symptoms of PTSD include flashbacks to the traumatic experience, nightmares, and severe anxiety, which worsens when reminded of anything related to the trauma - like sounds/smells/activities, etc. There are several different types of therapy for people who have PTSD, such as Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), and Prolonged Exposure (PE).

How to deal with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder?

The best way to deal with PTSD is through therapy and support groups. It's essential not only for the health of the person suffering but also so other people don't get hurt by their symptoms or behaviors. We've linked some resources below if you want to learn more about dealing with post-traumatic stress disorder, trauma in general, and where to find a therapist near you! When it comes down to it, mental illnesses are just like any other illness - they shouldn't be stigmatized because that prevents millions of sufferers from getting help when they need it most. The more we talk about our experiences openly instead of hiding them away out of shame, the easier it will become for people who suffer from different forms of mental illness to get the help they need.

5 Substance Abuse Disorder

Substance abuse disorders are mental illnesses that develop when someone continues to use drugs or alcohol even after they start causing problems in their daily life like school, work, etc. Because of this, people who suffer from substance abuse also often suffer the symptoms of withdrawal (nausea/vomiting), cravings, and irritability! They can be very dangerous if not treated - some symptoms include seizures, hallucinations, and delirium tremors which cause them to lose touch with reality for days at a time. This is why it's key to seek help as soon as possible by finding support groups (like Narcotics Anonymous) where you'll meet other sufferers who have managed to get through recovery before.

How to deal with Substance Abuse Disorders?

One of the best ways to deal with substance abuse is by seeking professional help. This means going into a treatment center and following the rules they set in place, such as not using drugs/alcohol under any circumstance, attending group therapy sessions every day, and participating in various other activities designed to promote recovery. The sooner you do this, the better chance you'll have at getting through recovery without relapsing again!

6 Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes people to experience mood shifts - from depression (feeling sad, having no energy or motivation) and mania (feeling extremely happy with lots of ideas/energy). It's important for loved ones who have bipolar disorders to try and be patient because it can be challenging for them when they're in the middle of a depressive episode. They might not even realize how their symptoms affect other people around them, so this means being able to communicate openly about your feelings!

How to deal with Bipolar Disorder?

The best way you can help someone who has bipolar disorder is by encouraging them to get treatment as soon as possible by seeking professional help. This isn't only helpful for the person suffering from it but also for those around them. Treatment usually involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to help the person understand how their illness is affecting other people in their life. In addition, it's important for loved ones surrounding someone with bipolar disorder to keep an open mind because they might have trouble understanding what they're going through right now, so being patient can be very helpful!

7 Eating Disorder

Eating disorders are mental illnesses where someone becomes very fixated on their body image and what they're eating. This can cause them to develop an unhealthy relationship with food, such as only eating certain foods, not allowing themselves enough of it, or refusing to eat all together! Some symptoms include weight loss, malnutrition (not getting the proper nutrients), mood swings, and depression that makes everyday living a lot more complicated than it should be for sufferers.

How to deal with Eating Disorders?

Treatment for eating disorders usually involves a combination of medication and psychotherapy or cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). It will also include following rules set in place by the treatment center, such as attending group sessions every day, taking part in activities designed to promote recovery like cooking lessons, yoga, etc. The sooner you seek professional help when it comes to your eating disorder, the better chances you'll have at getting through this!

Mental Health is a vital factor to consider for everyone whether they have mental health disorders or not. It's OKAY if you think something might be off with your mind - it doesn't make you weaker, it makes you stronger! If you need help right now, please feel free to contact me through my social media accounts below, and I'll do whatever I can to support your recovery journey.

*contributed post*

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