Why Travel Is So Good For Your Health

January 25, 2019

When people think of travel, the first words that usually come to mind are “vacation,” “great food,” or “beach.” But although the modern definition of travel is based on the idea of having a rest or a break, that wasn’t always the case. In fact, travel once referred to an experience that helped you to define yourself, seek better health, or develop your mind and body.
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Modern science has investigated whether traveling can be good for your health and has thrown up evidence that yes, it indeed can be. So how does travel help?

It Improves Grit
Grit, or the ability to withstand challenging situations and persevere through them, is something that’s becoming increasingly rare in our society. There’s a sense that people don’t have the resilience to deal with life’s problems that they used to have.

Travel, however, helps develop grip because it forces you to rely on yourself for your needs. Nobody is going to book that next train or ask for directions: you have to do it all yourself.

It Can Boost Satisfaction
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What’s the difference between happiness and satisfaction? Behavioral economist Daniel Kahneman says that happiness is the feeling of pleasure you experience in the moment when you do something that you like, like eat a bag of chips. Satisfaction, on the other hand, is that feeling you get when you reflect on something that you are glad you achieved, even if getting there wasn’t a happy experience. Examples include getting into shape: you feel satisfied that you lost weight and toned up, but you certainly weren’t happy while you were at the gym or eating brown rice and broccoli.

Travel is a similar kind of experience. You might not feel happy every moment that you’re on the move, but at the end of it, you’re glad you did it. You feel good that you achieved what you set out to do, boosting your confidence and sense of self-worth.

It Boosts Mood
Although daily life offers certain rewards, they can become mundane. What was once the perfect job or relationship becomes stale over time, and eventually can lead to dissatisfaction. According to Allan Berger & Associates, chronic health issues can also lead to pain, both physical and emotional.

Travel helps you get out of a rut. It’s not a substitute for medical intervention, but it can be used in conjunction with therapy to give you a new perspective on life, jolting you out of your malaise.

Studies show that when people travel, they experience a reduction in stress. A study published in 2013 showed that after two days traveling away from home, more than 80 percent of people reported a decline in feelings of tension and anxiety. Travel takes you away from the triggers of stress and gives you a sense of liberation.

Travel Enhances Cognitive Flexibility
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Because travel exposes you to new situations, it forces your brain to come up with novel situations. Scientists have found that travel boosts your ability to solve problems and think flexibly. It also stimulates creativity.

*contributed post*

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