Happy Wednesday friends! As I shared a couple of weeks ago, I am excited to re-share some of the most popular devotional posts that I wrote in 2017-2018 (if you would like to see the complete list you can find it HERE!) and am excited to share this one this week! I am also excited to share that these devotional posts will soon be available (without the tie to When Calls the Heart) in a new and upcoming devotional book, February Caravan, that will be released February 1st. Stay tuned for more information to follow! In the meantime I am excited to start sharing again with y'all and I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!

Throughout the last four seasons of When Calls the Heart there have been numerous times where the town has gathered to help each other through love when a crisis hits. But it is also the everyday lives of the people we see that has a great impact on people who are new to the town. Words of encouragement and inspiration are routinely spoken, people put love into action like it is second nature, and most of all it is a safe and inspiring community for all who enter into Hope Valley, no matter their past.
Instead of looking inward and focusing on themselves, people in Hope Valley consistently look outward in ways to practically help each other. Every time that I consider this I am beyond inspired in my own life to look a little harder to my own neighbor next door, the people that I encounter on a daily basis, my co-workers, my family, the mailman, the grocery store clerk, etc. I am inspired to really examine how I can be a blessing to them and really help them. Am I loving those in my life well no matter the cost to me? What am I willing to sacrifice for another's good?
Maybe my sacrifice will be in tearing a part of a loved one's item to help another like Abigail did in season 1 to help keep Carla's babies warm. Maybe my sacrifice is in rejoicing with others. Maybe my sacrifice is in offering encouragement to someone who desperately needs it as they start a new season. Maybe my sacrifice is in committing to speak life-giving and affirming words. Maybe my sacrifice is taking the time to focus on someone in front of me without expecting anything but the person's best interest in return.
It may feel awkward and uncomfortable at first, but this scene reminds me that I have the opportunity to change the world in front of me. Everyone dreams of wanting to "change their world" and this is truly a beautiful sentiment, but what if changing the world could start today with you and I? What if it could start by just simply loving and helping the people that are right in front of us?
We may never know how much of an impact that we can have on another person as we quietly love them. We may never know the beauty that comes far after our investment into our neighbors lives is finished. Times and seasons change but love has an impact and a legacy that will never be destroyed. Our legacy is every single person that we touch with love.
This week we have the most unique and interesting opportunity as this season comes to a close on Sunday night. We can move forward, remembering the inspiration we have seen these last several months and take that out into the people before us. That world that we want to change or wish was like Hope Valley? It is right in front of us. That legacy we hope to leave? It goes beyond a TV show and sows beautiful seeds of hope into our broken world. This is our worlds. Let us love on them deeply, faithfully, and let us rest assured that just like Coal Valley changed Elizabeth we will be changing our world for all of the "Elizabeth's" we encounter.
"...Love one another as if your lives depended on it."
-I Peter 1:22, The Message-
-I Peter 1:22, The Message-
*originally published on Caravan Sonnet in April 2017*
Looking for past From Hope Valley Devotionals? You can click HERE to find a complete listing of all of the devotionals!
I receive several emails a week asking where you can watch older episodes of "When Calls the Heart". If you have a Netflix account you can find seasons 1-3 there or you can purchase them on Amazon. You can purchase and watch all of the seasons and episodes by clicking on the links below:
*Please note that the quotes used in these weekly devotionals are the sole intellectual property of Hallmark Channel, WCTH, & Crown Media, LLC. These on-line posts are in no way supported, endorsed or affiliated with WCTH, Hallmark Channel, or Crown Media. They are simply encouragement inspired by Janette Oke and this precious show.*
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