praying through lyme disease german edition announement

November 19, 2021

caravan sonnet

It is with great and humble joy that I can now officially share that the final agreements and contracts were signed for #prayingthroughlymedisease to be translated into German!! (Watch a fun and exciting instagram reel about the announcement HERE!)

7 years ago, when the 1st edition of Praying through Lyme Disease was released in 2014 I remember laying in my bed, stunned that my first book was actually in print. I was so sick & bedridden that it seemed unreal. Praying through Lyme Disease the 1st edition will always have a truly special place in my heart... it was my very first book & the timing of it was unique and special. I had just been told by a major & well known medical clinic that there was no hope for my case. I felt that I had already traveled a long & winding journey with this disease but in reality I was just at the beginning stages of this journey.

Oh, I thought I had experienced the worst days of this journey (there were horrific ones that I would like to never repeat again), but I was to find that there were still more difficult & more painful days to come than I could have ever imagined.

But, 7 years later, as my health has returned & this little book continues to make its way around the world (this edition will join translations of Italian, Polish, Spanish, and Arabic)I have tears as my prayers continue to remain it will encourage those in their own dark & painful days.

As I think back to being completely bedridden & having this book go into print 7 years ago I never would have imagined that it would end up where it has. I am truly overwhelmed that there are more & more copies circulating each year as it travels around the globe.

I'm praying for you dear #lymedisease warriors & I trust that you will be praying for me as well as we continue to fight the good fight & walk the journey before us. This journey is difficult, hard, messy, & extremely painful, and yet, can be full of hope as we experience the tender mercy of a faithful God who is walking every step with us. May you experience & know His love in new ways throughout this Lyme Disease journey.

Welcome to the #prayingthroughlyme family German version!!

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