Happy Tuesday friends! I am excited to spend the next two weeks sharing with y'all some recap posts from the trip that I took with my mom to Bromont, Canada 2 years ago! At the time I shared some posts about our trip, but with the way the world changed I didn't get to share everything and so I am excited to revisit this trip and share more! I hope that it encourages you to consider taking a road trip (in part or in whole depending on your circumstances) this autumn and winter to this beautiful place in the world.
Happy Monday friends! Today I am so excited to share with y'all a wonderful place that I discovered and experienced this past weekend, the Balnea Spa in Bromont Canada. It was absolutely incredible and as I shared with my instagram community, I can't recommend enough a visit to this cozy luxury place.
Today I am excited to share a bit more about Balnea Spa and then answer any questions that you may have! So sit back and grab a cup of tea or coffee and plan to be inspired by a truly charming place located in a wonderful city in Canada.
As mentioned above, Balnea Spa is located in Bromont, Canada which is an easy 1 and 1/2 hour trip east from Montreal or West from Sherbrooke. If you are coming from upstate Vermont or New York (like we were) then it will take approximately 1 and 1/2 hours to 2 hours depending on border crossing times. The drive over to Bromont was absolutely beautiful and you can see more from my story highlights entitled "balnea" by clicking HERE.
*picture property of Balnea Spa*
For our stay we were graciously given the opportunity to stay at Le Pleasant Hotel which was located in Sutton, approximately 20 minutes south of Balnea Spa. Le Pleasant Hotel is a partner with Balnea and an option of a place to stay if you are looking to stay outside the Bromont area.
We arrived at Balnea Spa shortly before the noon hour and immediately were impressed by the wide expanse of beautiful property and the modern sleekness that the buildings had. As we walked up the stairs to the check in reception area we could already feel ourselves relaxing amidst the cozy luxury ambiance.
Immediately we knew that we had arrived at a place of quality that had thought through details for clients who were coming. The space for the check in and reception is set apart from the actual spa, allowing the integrity of the quiet space in the actual spa and reserve thermale to be kept.
After checking in we proceeded down to the changing area/shower area so that we could get into our comfortable clothes and bathing suits and our soft white robes that each of the patrons wear. Even the choice of the white robe color brought a soothing aspect and atmosphere to the day.
After we changed we headed upstairs to the spa and lounge area where I checked in for my spa appointment and my mom relaxed in the lounge area.
*picture property of Balnea Spa*
I had made a massage appointment and I will be honest that I was feeling a bit hesitant. With my long years of illness my body is very sensitive and I was hesitant that a massage appointment would be the best idea. Y'all know I love massages, and love the health benefits but I was a bit hesitant to experience a massage in this new place. Honestly y'all I could not have been farther from feeling the way things would be. It was hands down the BEST massage of my life and so incredibly wonderful.
Ivan, my massage therapist listened to my concerns and expressly followed my demands and needs about what areas that I wanted to be concentrated on. He admitted that it was a much "different" massage than he had ever done, but I expressed how grateful I was that he was willing to concentrate on the areas that I was wanting therapeutic massage for.
After I was finished with the massage I came out to meet my mom in the lounge area and we split a light lunch and enjoyed some yummy tea and water before relaxing more in the day.
We ended up spending the rest of the afternoon just relaxing in the quiet. It was simply beautiful and absolutely gorgeous and wonderful.
One of the really neat things that Balnea Spa does is provide an opportunity to "escape" in a variety of different ways to promote ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation. In addition to the thermal reserves there is also the rule that phones/cameras are not allowed. There is no service and it was wonderful to see people truly in the moment, not distracted by their phones. (I was allowed to use my phone and camera to discreetly take the photos that you see here in this blog post and on instagram but had to limit the amount of photos out of respect for those around me enjoying the spa.)
Several of the hot tubs and areas on site are also quiet areas with no talking or very low voice talking. My mom and I both walked away commenting that in our fast paced and "loud" world, this was a beautiful thing to experience. The quiet was truly healing and one of the lovely parts of the spa experience.

I loved experiencing Balnea Spa with my mom and it made a really perfect "mother and daughter" getaway which I would recommend!
*picture property of Balnea Spa*
As our day came to a close at Balnea Spa we went back and changed and gathered our belongings before heading to Lumami for our dinner. We each picked a yummy salad that had the most delicious dressing and sat by the huge picture window that overlooked the lake. As darkness fell we commented again about what a perfect day it had been and how much we are looking forward to returning in the future.
It was truly the most lovely day at Balnea Spa and I can't recommend it enough to anyone who might be interested. It is such a lovely experience and you will come away rejuvenated and relaxed.
*picture property of Balnea Spa*
Please let me know if you have any questions, I am happy to answer them! I have written a post about all of the specific offerings that Balnea Spa has which you can find HERE!
A huge thank you to Balnea Spa for the complimentary stay and experience to stay at Le Pleasant Hotel, experience the Balnea Spa, and the delicious meals and massage on site. ALL opinions are my own. #partner #ad
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