Simple Ways To Make Your New Year Resolutions Stick

December 3, 2018


Think back to the New Year resolutions you made at the start of this year. How many did you keep? Chances are, like many of us, you have probably broken quite a few, despite your good intentions. Still, there is always this coming year to return to them. Perhaps this next year will be the year that they finally stick. Maybe.

To give you a fighting chance at keeping them, here are some tips that we think you will find useful.

Make plans to help you succeed. When setting your resolutions, think about how you might achieve them. If you want to eat healthier, plan to learn one new recipe a month. If you want to exercise more, join a gym or plan an itinerary of activities you might take up over the year. If you finally want to meet the man of your dreams this year, plan to use a free singles phone chat to meet others in your area, or map out singles clubs in your locale and visit one a month. Abstract resolutions never work, so make a plan within a plan to help you achieve them.

Don't run before you can walk. This is especially relevant if you are thinking about your new year fitness goals, but it also applies to any resolution you intend to make. Don't do too much all at once, as you will overwhelm yourself and potentially fail. Before going for a run each day, go for a gentle jog until you are ready. Instead of telling yourself you will give up smoking, try and cut down on what you smoke before giving up entirely. It's about taking small steps, gearing yourself up until you are ready for the larger goal you have in mind.

Seek as much help as necessary. Do you have the willpower to manage all of your goals yourself? If you are somebody who has broken more resolutions than you have kept, then the answer is probably 'no.' Therefore, seek support from those who can help you. Start in the morning with prayer, such as praying to God for your future husband, and asking Him for strength to help you meet your daily goals. Enlist friends and family into your support network; those people who will hold you accountable, such as when you are trying to give up a bad habit. And join up with like-minded people, such as a weight-watchers group if losing weight is one of your resolutions for the year ahead. You might not make it if you go it alone, so find help from whatever sources are available to you.

Don't let failure get the better of you. Don't beat yourself up if you fail to reach your targets. If you miss the gym one week, or if you let your unhealthy eating cravings get the better of you, don't assume you have failed for another year.  If you berate yourself on your failings, you might be tempted to both a) leave your resolutions until the next new year, and b) fall into old habits as comfort for failing to make new, healthier habits. Be kind to yourself - you're only human after all - and pick yourself up and start again. We all make mistakes, and you're no different. While you should do all you can to succeed with your resolutions, don't let any slip-ups derail you for another year. Keep trying, as you won't succeed otherwise.

So, go into the New Year with what we have said in mind. You have more chance of making your resolutions stick if you do. We hope our advice helped, but if you have any other tips for our readers, be sure to let us know.

We wish you a very happy and successful new year!

*contributed post*

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