Active Waiting in the Single Journey

September 26, 2016

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for morning…O Israel put your hope in the Lord for with the Lord is unfailing love…”
-Psalm 130:5-7-

One of the real aspects of the Single Journey is the unplanned (and probably unchosen) length of learning how to wait. "Wait" till the timing is right. "Wait" on the Lord's timing for the man He has chosen for me. "Wait" for the "appropriate time" to buy wedding magazines and have a Pinterest wedding board. "Wait" to share all of the exciting details of setting up a home with someone. "Wait" to start planning a family with another person. "Wait"... for that season that we ache to have start... actually begin. 

Like other seasons of life, this waiting season in the Single Journey can test the hearts of the most resolved. It can be tempting to settle for less than God's best during the waiting. It can be tempting to revel in the disappointments of this single journey. The waiting seasons are tough. There is no other words to describe these seasons. They are just brutally difficult and tough. But as I face the waiting... if I have courage to ask the tough questions I do find that there is not only hurt but hope in the waiting season.

As I spend time in God's word the Lord reminds me that we don’t wait aimlessly. We actively wait, as we trust in Him, spending more and more time in His word, and loving those whom He has placed in front of us for today. That energy and love that we long to pour out on to a husband can be poured out right now to the ones that He has surrounded us with. This time is a beautiful preparation for learning to love like Christ loves us. 

“Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup, you make my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places, surely I have a delightful inheritance.”
-Psalm 16:5-6-

 Let us focus on the Lord, seek wisdom from Him, and run full strength into our waiting season... not try to run away from it. I have no fear in the waiting because I am not waiting on a person but on the Lord's perfect timing. 

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope. I wait for the Lord more than watchmen wait for morning…O Israel put your hope in the Lord for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.” 
-Psalm 130:5-7-

With the Lord there is unfailing love. It is in Him that we will focus on and actively follow where He is leading. This is not wasted time. There is never wasted time with the Lord.

“I keep my eyes always on you Lord, with you at my right hand, I will not be shaken.” 
-Psalm 16:8-

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