Meeting Katie in Santa Cruz, California

July 18, 2017

A couple of weeks ago, after my doctors appointment out in California, I had the amazing opportunity to spend a delightful few hours with Katie, the author and blogger of Hope Engaged, her lovely husband and some extended family members, and meet and quickly fall in love with her precious little one, Avonlea. (Which by the way, if you haven't already seen her post about Avonlea's nursery tour you need to go see it now... it is adorable. You can see it HERE.)

This trip out to my doctors office was a bit different in several ways and for several reasons. First, I was traveling alone (something I hadn't been able to do in years); second, we were not test dosing any medications or getting a PICC line or getting a port put in (Thank the Lord!!) so the trip was a quick trip, and most importantly; third, as I continue to heal I find that I have more and more energy and strength to do the things that my heart longs to do- like spending time to visit with good friends.

So when I reached out to Katie a couple of months ago to see if it would be possible to meet up, I was so humbled when she said yes, and then invited me to come down for the afternoon to Santa Cruz where her family was having their annual beach vacation. Honestly, the couple of hours that I got to spend with Katie were such a blessing to my heart and soul.
I connected with Katie years ago through blogging and her posts, her emails, and her sweet prayers and encouragement have been such a blessing to my life. Meeting her felt like I was meeting a long-lost friend and it was such an incredible time of chatting and talking. I don't know if this is possible, because I adore her blog and her writing (please write a book *smiles*), but if it is, Katie is even more authentic and delightful in person. She has the gift of making you feel at ease, welcome, and loved within the first seconds of meeting her and when you spend time with her your heart just knows it is loved. Katie and her family, welcomed me with love and hugs physically, but if possible even more so at the heart level.

I know to those who are not bloggers, the whole "blogging  thing" and "blogging community" can be a bit of a weird and strange world. I had an interview yesterday about blogging and I was trying to explain how for some it is a hobby, but for others it is a full time job and career and at the end of the day you meet these amazing and fantastic people that become dear and life-long friends that you may never have had the chance to meet otherwise. At the heart of everything you read and get a small window into a person's life and words are incredibly powerful in showing you a person's true self. The ties that bind can go beyond blogging and I have been so blessed to call Katie a friend.
Thank you so much Katie for a delightful couple of hours that blessed my little heart. I am honored to call you friend. You are an incredible blessings and I hope that the Lord allows our paths to cross again soon!!  


  1. Holy moly it was such a blessing spending time with you!! You are seriously such a life giving and beautiful person! After you left my entire family could not stop singing your praises:) so glad we got to connect and laugh together!!! You are a treasure!!!

    1. AWWW friend!! What a BLESSING it was to spend time with YOU. You are such a treasure!!! I pray that the Lord allows our paths to cross again soon!! Come to NY?? :) :)

  2. That is great that you got to meet Katie!!! Hopefully in the future you and I can meet as well!!!

    1. Isn't bloggy world SO fun?? YES. I WOULD LOVE that!!! Oh my goodness that would be so awesome for my little heart!!!
