show up in hope

August 25, 2024

caravan sonnet
From the archives...
With Caravan Sonnet turning 11 years old this past year, it is amazing to look back and see all of the things that have taken place during that time. This year, I am re-sharing some of my favorite posts from the 2014 year... it is hard to believe that it is ten years ago. 10 years... a decade... 

This post, show up in hope (originally posted in August 2014) has hit me deeply this month... although the circumstances are different- my health is stable and I am healed... I am in a very difficult and private waiting season for several specific areas in life... this post has encouraged me and I pray it will encourage you also today. 

Original Post- posted August 4, 2014

Eight and a half years ago I was the recipient of a miracle from the Lord in the form of healing from what I was told was an incurable disease. After struggling for years in physical pain and begging the Lord for mercy when the medical community gave no hope the Lord performed a miracle. Family and friends cheered joyously as they witnessed their prayers answered. Doctors shook their heads in amazement when the healing happened muttering, “it must be something higher that healed you”. People responded with encouragement over my faith and proclaimed the Lord's power. It is a story of joyous victory and of good triumphing over evil. It is a story that rings with hope in a God who still performs miracles and of a God who is triumphant over illnesses after “the experts” have given up hope. It is a story that people love to hear, and one that I have loved to share over the years. It is a story that makes me well up with tears at the goodness of the Lord and stand in awe of what He did eight and a half years ago.
caravan sonnet
But the truth is that I am living a much different story today. I have shared some of it here on the blog but there are many parts that have remained in private. To be truthful the life that I live now shattered midst ordinary days five years ago when my ex-fiancé walked out of our relationship a mere five months before we were to be married with no warning. Since then in these past five years my life has crumbled bit by bit by one circumstance to another to finally being diagnosed with Cancer, Advanced Late Stage Lyme disease, an environmental illness and several other diagnosis'. The combination of the diseases’ listed has severely affected my life and began one of the most difficult fights of my life. But while my life shattered my faith in my precious Lord, who is the God of HOPE, has not.
caravan sonnet
The recovery is long and instead of a planned out future, I am left with more questions than answers. My aching longings for the future of being married and being a mom has been placed on hold and instead of my dreams I am left with questions of life, value, and the God that I so desperately adore. In my little mind it is not the story that shouts the triumph of a powerful God as I expected the same ending of miraculous healing of eight and a half years ago. It is not a story that we love to hear, but in this broken world it is a story that many people live.
caravan sonnet
We all need to hear the stories of miraculous conquering and healing to spur us on in hope. These are the stories that scream to us from the pages of the Bible and the stories that we are quick to reference when bad news comes to a loved one. But there is a much quieter and powerful story that is also found deep in the pages of scripture. It is a story of showing up with hope in the ordinary days lived among the miraculous and victories. It is the story of living with anticipation that the Lord is still at work when we most feel He is absent. It is a story that drives us closer to the heart of God as we cry out to Him. I have learned to fall in love with the God who I know does miracles. I have also fallen passionately in love with this same God who has the power to do miracles and sometimes says wait. 
caravan sonnet
"He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow." There are beautiful examples of this in the Bible. One of those is the story of the women who bled for twelve years from Luke chapter eight. It is a beautiful story of a woman who must have spent everything that she owned on doctors who had not been able to help her and yet she still showed up to meet Jesus. With no promise that Jesus would do anything she pushes her way through the “crowds that almost crushed Him” and reaches out her hand in desperation and the hope that Jesus could not only heal but that He would show up.
caravan sonnet
Friends, if you are struggling through the dark night of suffering I urge you to hold fast to the story of the woman who was ill and find hope in the story of the Israelites. Just like that woman, we see in the book of Exodus that the Israelites held on to the hope that God was still at work. As they limped out from under the hard yoke of slavery they carried their tambourines through the long trek of the desert believing that there would still be a song yet to sing. They didn’t know when the song would come, but like the woman they pushed through and held onto hope that God would show up. Despite the fact they had no assurances or promises of what their future would look like, they walked with their tambourines. They were fully prepared for the celebration that they did not yet have a time frame for. The celebration that only lay hidden in their hearts as they walked mile after mile in the desert. The same hope of celebration that the woman who bled for twelve years was also expecting as she reached out her hand for Jesus’ cloak.
caravan sonnet
Dear friends, what about you? Are you ready to show up in Hope? I have friends who are scattered around the world serving AIDS victims in Africa, fighting for the freedoms of those in the Middle East and some holding crying orphans in the heart of Haiti. Maybe you are like them and can venture to far off countries to rescue those that the world has abandoned. Or maybe you can quietly and powerfully write your story by showing up, and learning like I am to take one day at a time, find beauty in the ordinary, and minister to those that the world has forgotten. Either way we can all come to the cross and take His love into our worlds- no matter how big or small that might seem. Either way we can show up and rejoice that He is going to answer as we step out in faith and cry out to Him. All we need to do is be ready to rejoice, reach out for His garments, carry our tambourines, and show up in Hope. 
caravan sonnet


  1. Wow Rebecca - Thanks for this word of hope! I needed this today and I so admire your perseverance during the storm. He is with us!

    1. Truly the Lord is with us each day sweet friend!! Thank you so much for your sweet words and encouragement!
      I am so thankful for you and your friendship!
      :) Rebecca

  2. This is exactly what I needed to hear today!

    1. Aww, thank you so much for your kind words Bailey! I am so glad that the Lord used this to touch your heart and encourage you!! Thank you so much for stopping by and for taking the time to comment!! It really touched my heart and encouraged me! Thank you!
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
      :) Rebecca

  3. How beautiful Rebecca! Your faith never ceases to amaze me! I cannot imagine your struggle but I know Christ is using your beauty to reach many! Your words of encouragement reach much further than you think! I pray for you continuously!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Shana! You are ALWAYS so encouraging when you leave a comment! Your words truly touched me and encouraged me as many times I feel that my faith is so small and weak and that my little words aren't doing anything to encourage anyone! Your words and all of your prayers are such a blessing to me! THANK YOU soo much!!!!!
      I hope you have a wonderful weekend and thank you again for being such an encouragement to me during this difficult time!
      Rebecca :)

  4. wow thanks for sharing , I think its great to share because it helps us to be that better person that GOD wants us to be.. Do not wait or sit around to be married, Rejoice in the LORD for your healing, your life and all that is around you because he has brought them to you.... I believe when it is time He will bring forth someone .. I believe in my Father Jesus that our lives are not our own, we live for him... sending hugs and prayers in abundance that Our Lord Jesus will touch you again. Amen

    1. Thank you!! It is so true that the Lord is with us in our waiting and in our celebrations. What a beautiful God that He is!! Thank you so much for your prayers and for your sweet comment on this post!!
      :) Rebecca
      p.s. I would have loved to email you back directly but unfortunately you are a "no reply blogger" and I was unable to email you. I look forward to hopefully connecting more in the future!
