Taking Care of Your Health While Travelling

June 7, 2021


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The coronavirus and Covid-19 pandemic has meant that travel has been off the cards for many of us over the past year and a half. This has been disappointing for those struck with wanderlust, but the good news is that the vaccine rollout around the world could speed up the return to international travel. It’s not all too surprising that many of us are looking forward to long and extended trips to make up for lost time. This is great! But at the same time, you need to make sure that you still keep up with your health and wellbeing while travelling. Hopefully, some of the following information can help you to achieve this!

Keep Up With Routine Appointments

When you live in the same place consistently, chances are you have a regular doctor, dentist, optometrist and hearing specialist who send you reminders to check in with them. These appointments are important. They make sure that these professionals can monitor your health and tackle any issues you may be experiencing. While you’re travelling, you may not get these reminders or have a regular professional to check in with. However, it’s important to keep up with these checks and to carry them out wherever you may be. This will help you to keep on top of cavities, recognise comorbidities of hearing loss, ensure any lens prescriptions are up to date and more.

Create a Travel Workout Routine

When you’re at home, you may have a gym membership, sports clubs or fitness classes that you attend. We tend to fall out of an exercise routine while we’re away from home, but it’s still important that you get your recommended one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week wherever you are. Here are some ideas to work into your travels!

  • Walk, Jog or Run - the easiest, most straightforward and most cost effective way to exercise on your travels is to pick up brisk walking, jogging or running. You don’t need much - just a pair of running trainers - and you can carry this activity out in most places. This activity takes on an extra special benefit when travelling, which is that you can use it as an opportunity to enjoy some time outdoors and see local sights and scenery while you’re away.

  • Rent a bike - many locations, especially big cities, will often have cycle schemes that allow you to rent a bike. Cycling is a great workout and can be great fun while you’re away too!

  • Consider Gym Day Passes - if you’re travelling to a location with a gym nearby, you could always consider using a day pass. This means you don’t have to commit to a membership, but can still use the gym’s facilities.

These are just a few suggestions that can help you to keep on top of your health during any upcoming trips you may have planned. Why not work them into your travels? It’s simple and more than worth the effort!

*contributed post*

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